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A Guide to Facial Disfigurement and Other Common Motorcycle Injuries

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Did you know that driving a motorcycle is a riskier endeavor than driving a car? One single motorcycle accident can leave you with serious and often debilitating injuries. Depending on the severity of the motorcycle injury, permanent facial disfigurement, and even death are possible outcomes.

But what are some of the most common motorcycle injuries to watch out for? Below we’ve listed some of the most common injuries that can come from a motorcycle accident, as well as what to do if you experience them.

Keep reading to learn more!

Fractures of the Face

Fractures of the face are serious and can be both aesthetically and emotionally challenging. Signs of a facial fracture include bruising and swelling of the face, facial asymmetry, humps, flat spots, and dented areas, as well as deformities in the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Treatment helps to reduce the risk of permanent facial deformity. The most common type of facial fracture is called an orbital blowout fracture, which is caused by the direct impact of a blow to the eye socket, including a helmet strike.

Facial Burns

Facial burns are a common injury among motorcycle riders who get in wrecks. These painful, disfiguring injuries can cause significant harm to a person’s face. Extreme temperatures and chemicals, like jet fuel, are some potential causes of facial burns. Even objects that have been heated, like exhaust pipes, can cause burns.

Treatment of facial burns can involve a variety of treatments, depending on the severity. Over-the-counter creams, ointments, and gels may be prescribed for minor cases. For more extreme cases, skin grafting or reconstructive surgery may be necessary.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a common injury for motorcycle riders. It is the result of physical trauma to the brain that can have significant long-term and short-term effects on physical and cognitive health.

Common signs of a TBI include loss of consciousness, headaches, confusion, nausea, impaired ability to concentrate, and difficulty multitasking. A treatment plan may involve psychotherapy. This is to help those who suffer cope with the physical, psychological, and social consequences of their injuries.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) frequently occur in motorcycle riding, particularly in high-speed crashes. SCIs often cause permanent impairment of motor control, sensory loss, and paralysis of the arms and legs. Although a full recovery is possible, the extent of recovery largely depends on the severity of the injury.

This kind of injury can be expensive, and if you’re not well-insured, it might cost you a lot. This is why when you are involved in a motorcycle accident, you need to get the best motorcycle accident attorney.

Neck Injuries

Neck injuries are one of the most common and serious injuries that can occur as a result of a motorcycle accident. Common types of neck injuries due to motorcycle accidents include whiplash, fractures, strains, and sprains. It is important for those injured on a motorcycle to immediately seek medical attention, as any delay may reduce the chance of recovering.

Avoid Facial Disfigurement by Wearing Proper Gear

Motorcycle injuries can be major, but with the right protective gear and precautions, many of these injuries can be prevented. Advice from this guide has hopefully been useful in understanding the importance of helmet and protective gear use, and the potential consequences of not doing so.

Facial disfigurement can be severe and life-changing. Take the time to do the right research to ensure your safety and that of those with you. Ride on, but ride safe!

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Biplab Chakraborty is a dynamic Digital Marketing specialist with a passion for driving online success. With a keen understanding of market trends and a strategic approach, he excels in creating impactful digital campaigns. Biplab is dedicated to maximizing brand visibility and engagement through innovative digital strategies.