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How Covid-19 badly effect a person social life

How Covid-19 badly effect a person social life
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Covid-19 a new challenge for the world to face unknown to everybody the effects going to be caused by deadly disease the first case ever reported of covid was on 17 November 2019 in Wuhan china going to change the perspective of life for everybody possibly affecting nearly 10 % of the whole population with a mortality rate of 3%. Intensifying the wave of fear through people waiting to face the new challenge that awaits.

Education is not preparation for life:

Education is life itself (JOHN DEWEY):

Education an important sector of daily life badly affected causing adverse effects on student’s weakening the roots of nations. Conversion to online studies was an unsuitable and sudden condition for many institutions and backward students causing the great gap between students and proper provision of healthy education due to lack of facilities. a long break hence caused a surge in the flow of ongoing studies and breaking tempo of students leading to mental sickness and depression of students.

“If opportunity does not knock, build a door “(Milton barley)

How Covid effect all over the world:

Many developing countries are already facing problems like unemployment and this pandemic situation gave rise to this particular situation causing many people to lose their jobs and sitting idly which were already living hand to mouth since devouring another important sector related to the regular life of labor 

Covid did not only affected life:

Corona did not only affected life personally but also had destruction on a global level. in the start the world economy was badly affected by coronavirus causing a huge fall in the economic growth at the global level dancing the situation.

“Economic is everywhere, and understanding economics can help you make better decisions and lead a happier life.

the reduction observed in economic growth was nearly (-3.42 to -7.6) in the year 2020 which was a great jolt for the world to see this much instability in economic conditions which led to unrest in the world .later on, the economists sort it out and burn the midnight oil for this unrest giving an outcome of (4.2 to 5.6) recovery rate in the year 2021. By then the governments were known to do this and some fiscal and monetary policies helped to give out the solutions creating a sense of relief among many sectors. However, due to continuous health crises, the pace of recovery was quite very slow but even then was appreciable.

Covid also affects tourism:

The tourism was affected quite very much, people were afraid to get exposed to other people so that they might not be affected by the disease and the flights between the countries were also stopped which also affected tourism at large scale .whereas countries like Singapore are fully dependent on tourism .creating new problems for the world

“Sometimes mental illness is terrifying because you feel like you have lost control of your mind and nothing was sense .it is like watching yourself on autopilot and having little to no control”

Covid affects social and mental health:

The most badly affected was the social and mental health of people as known that human is a social animal it completes itself by living in the society so a sudden social cutoff was very difficult to act upon which led to many problems psychologically many issues like post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression was faced by numerous people increasing the need of social relief to people .social distancing was effecting the relationships among people by disrespecting the general perception of empathy among people and social norms were affected due to the conditions implemented by the social distancing with an increased ratio of boredom(59%), difficulty in concentration(76.1%), restlessness(38%) and many other things .furthermore to this was that the psychologists were also fed up of handling this much increment in the ratio of these issues which cannot be handled by them.

Necessity is the mother of invention:

Now coming towards the last but not the least of this particular issue to discuss “THE VACCINES”.in start it was nearly considered impossible to develop the vaccine of this mortal disease but later on the human race worked hard to develop as “necessity is the mother of invention” so people worked day and night to sort out the solutions to this unending situation .three trials were done in three phases and in phase three nearly the symptoms were prevented 95 % which was a huge success to counter an issue that unavoidable. (RNA) vaccines were the first ones to be injected. A total of 20 were manufactured but only two of their types were allowed to Inject into normal human beings .only Pfizer and Bio N-tech were authorized to inject which gave positive results providing great relief to people from this continuous crisis. Giving people hope of living life in old and better ways but with a bit of modification. Hoping the sun to rise after a long, dark, and heavy storm.

Final words:

Covid destroys all industries and many employees are disturb due to unemployment. So we are here to announce some information about those people who want to build an online business like eCommerce store, online services, or blogging website. So if you don’t know how to do this and how to create that type of website. So don’t be afraid we are here to announce our affiliation MysteryTechSol. Our organization hires a professional developer so don’t be afraid we are here to help out.

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