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Positive and Negative aspects of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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Sexually transmitted diseases or STDs have been there from several years and these are quite common with people who enjoy sex with several partners without protection. Though you try to treat as well as prevent them, STDs will always grab the headlines even though the news is good or bad. 

The Good 

In the past AIDS, the disease that occurs from HIV, had been seen in the form of a death sentence. It was in the mid-’90s only that antiretroviral drugs had kept the virus in check by prolonging lifespan for the people who had proper access to these medications. This enabled then to transform the infection into severe disease. Though there is no cure available, many researchers have believed that the epidemic can be ended through prevention.

Bringing an end to HIV transmission will take your valuable money and health care infrastructure, but there are necessary tools available for doing it. It begins with the expansion of access to HIV testing which is near about 15 percent of the people who are already having HIV and do not know about their condition. The next step is to ensure everyone who tested positive has access to these antiretroviral drugs.

When they are used in the right way, these medications can keep viral levels low that so the chances of transmission are generally nonexistent. Recently, medications known as pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP allow people without HIV to stay protected from further infection. Also, the condoms are believed to be a prevention tool much ahead of time.

Gonorrhea is already gaining negative publicity lately, great thanks to evolutionary superpowers that have enabled it to cut down every antibiotic in the way. Since it is showing resistance to last two drugs for treating it, researchers are extremely worried that the days of uncured gonorrhea will get back quickly.

But we might give ourselves some time by using a new antibiotic known as zoliflodacin that has presently completed Phase 2 clinical trials. This means it is safe and effective in a small patients group and the next step is to pass Phase 3 trials that seem to be larger and more stringent. Successful Phase 3 trials might be the reason for FDA approval. 

Regretfully, this antibiotic does not seem to be very effective in the treatment of oral gonorrhea. So, oral gonorrhea can be difficult to treat and drugs that can treat gonorrhea in the urethra or rectum can treat oral gonorrhea in higher doses. Several oral gonorrhea causes usually go undetected as well as untreated and researchers consider these infections are what actually drive a lot of antibiotic resistance at its first place. 

The Bad 

Syphilis is already making a comeback and congenital syphilis is the one where a baby is born having syphilis after getting infected in the womb. This has been on the rise since ballooning to a 20-year high. In the last year, there were 918 documented cases of this disease which had 64 stillbirths and 13 infant deaths.

When a pregnant woman is suffering from syphilis, the bacteria that have caused it may cross placenta to infect the fetus and will do it almost 70 percent of the time. Nearly 40 percent of babies who had been infected with syphilis at the time of pregnancy will be stillborn or will die soon after their birth. It might be the reason for bone deformities, blindness, deafness, jaundice, rashes and severe anemia.

Congenital syphilis is particularly tragic since it can be completely prevented with sufficient prenatal care and penicillin. Nearly one third of the mothers who had given birth to the babies having congenital syphilis do not have prenatal care. This has raised a red flag for sad condition of health care access among many populations.

The Ugly 

This year, there were the stories of two scandals related to herpes disease. The first had taken place in February at a biohacking conference which involved Aaron Traywick removing his pants in front of the audience and injecting a syringe that has herpes treatment in the thighs.

Criticism related to this stunt had centered on the uncertain ethics of providing experimental drugs to desperate patients that had no regulatory oversight. The strange story had taken a dark turn in the month of April when Traywick had been found dead in a tank. He had passed away due to drowning and not for taking experimental drugs.

The other scandal was with William Halford who had performed “off the grid” human trials of a herpes vaccine before he died of cancer in the year 2017. He evaded the regulations by recruiting patients through a members-only Facebook page and different subjects were given experimental vaccine in the Caribbean, particularly to escape FDA involvement.

The patients did not get informed consent forms that are considered to be a standard practice in the trials for investigational drugs. Many test subjects are not possible to be tracked down which means you will not know about the true potentiality of his vaccine though many of them who had obtained it have already suffered from distressing side effects.

Cases such as Halford’s and Traywick’s have the tension between the ones who think a lot about regulatory oversight that can hinder medical research, and the ones who think very little oversight is needed for abusing the patients. 

You may be tested and treated for different STDs at STD Check London, as other clinics, health departments and private health-care providers. You may even visit our same day std testing clinic in London for all the questions related to safe sex or choose the right condoms to enjoy intercourse without the risk of getting affected from different STDs or STIs.

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