Men’s Health: Top 6 Health Risks All Men should know

6 Top Health Risks for Men
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Women tend to live a little longer than men. Although this difference in life expectancy may be reducing, men die quite earlier – let’s say 5 years before women. As explained by a renowned GP, this is caused by the biological setup of men and their attitude towards health. A recent health survey also backs up this claim. The following findings were made from the survey:

  • Visits to doctors are done mainly by women than men
  • It is in severe health conditions that men visit the doctor
  • Generally, men care less about their health until they can no longer work or be productive anymore

Some men may say, “I feel healthy and energetic; I don’t need a doctor”. That’s fantastic, but do you know that you can continue in that healthy state with little efforts and planning? What threatens men’s health isnot hidden. Most of these threats can be prevented with the right action at the right time.

Below are some of the common health challenges that put men in an early grave:

Cardiovascular disease

This condition occurs when the arteries become hardened; in medical technology, it is described as atherosclerosis. Here, blood is unable to flow through the arteries due to blockage from cholesterol plaque formation. These formations are usually found in the brain and heart arteries. When a plaque closes up the artery, a blood clot is formed. This causes a heart attack or stroke.

There’s no apparent reason why men are diagnosed early with this condition than women. However, a man can die from this condition at a mean age of 65, while that of a woman is 60 years.

How to reduce the risk of heart attack

  • Every man aged 25 and above must check their cholesterol levels
  • Check your cholesterol levels once in 5 years
  • Do more work to lower the risk of a stroke
  • Control high blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Stop smoking
  • Exercise or do something physically for at least 30 minutes each day
  • Eat more fresh foods and veggies; reduce processed foods consumption

Cancer of the lungs

This is a terrible and life-threatening disease; it spreads quickly before the symptoms show. Unfortunately, before a diagnosis is made, a patient is already in the advanced stage of lung cancer. Consequently, the patient may die in 12 months.

Lung cancer is significantly caused by smoking. The decline in smoking has reduced the number of deaths from this disease in the UK. However, lung cancer is still the top-ranking terminal disease affecting men.

Although lung cancer has no functional screening test,a CT scan of the chest is used to diagnose this condition. Quitting the habit of smoking at any age lowers lung cancer risk. With electronic cigs and vape kits, you can stop smoking. Get a GP appointment for private health check-up.

Prostate cancer

The prostate gland, which secretes the sperm, is found at the back of the penis. As men grow older, the risk of prostate cancer increases. This disease takes second place in the number of cancer types men experience. See some statistics of this condition:

1 in every 6 men experience prostate cancer in life; however, only 1 in 35 men may lose their life

The slow rate of fatalities from this disease occurs because most types of prostate cancers have slow growth and will not likely spread widely

A digital rectal examination and blood prostatespecific antigen (PSA) test is used to screen for prostate cancer

Incontinence or infertility, or both can result from this relatively harmless disease.

Mental depression and suicidal tendencies

The whole body and general health are impacted by mental depression. Heart disease likely follows mental depression. The following affect those with this condition:

Their brain chemicals and stress hormones are disproportionate

Appetite, sleep and energy levels are seriously impacted

Though men and women have equal levels of depression, women get more help than men. For both sexes, depression consequences can be fatal. While women may try to commit suicide following depression, men die from suicide attempts.

Antidepressants and medications work effectively for both men and women. If you are struggling with depression, consider consulting a trusted London private doctor. Early treatment gives better results.


This is a silent killer that destroys health without any symptoms. This disease is so diligent that blood sugar increases gradually until it affects the urine. When one begins to experience frequent urination and constant thirst, medical help is most sought.

Facts about diabetes

  • Too much blood glucose is poisonous
  • With time, the poison moves to the nerves and other body parts
  • Diabetes triggers blindness, amputation, heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure
  • Being obese is an increased risk of diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes can be prevented with regular exercise and healthy foods

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

It doesn’t take life, but men are severely affected by this health problem. In present times, most men between 35 to 40 years are diagnosed with ED. Of greater concern is the fact that the number of affected men is on the rise.

Facts about ED

  • Mental depression easily affects men having erectile dysfunction
  • Blocked arteries or atherosclerosis is a primary cause of erectile dysfunction
  • If you have frequently been experiencing occurring spells of ED, it is a sign that your blood vessels are malfunctioning. Seek medical help at once.
  • Cardiovascular disease can be detected early when one has erectile dysfunction
  • The good news is that people can easily get treatment for erectile dysfunction presently.
  • However, the solutions available only focus on enhancing the sex life of the patient; it does not cure the health issue. Based on this, if you have an ED, choose your treatment wisely. You can book a GP appointment for private health-check-up.


It’s time that men step up and take charge of their health. Sleeping on underlying health issue should not be encouraged. Waiting for health problems to get worse before seeing a doctor is very dangerous.

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Alice Christina, a seasoned health writer, combines her passion for wellness with a strong foundation in evidence-based research. She crafts insightful content that empowers readers to make informed health decisions. Alice's expertise shines through her concise and reliable health articles.