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What are some of the breast cancer symptoms?

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What are some of the breast cancer symptoms?
What are some of the breast cancer symptoms?


Breast cancer is one of the types of cancer which is said if detected at an early stage; chances are it will be easier to treat.  While it is to say you need to look out for any of the breast cancer symptoms, you visit the breast cancer doctor singapore for screening once you notice any of them.

Do you know the breast cancer symptoms we are talking about?  In this blog post, you’ll learn the breast cancer symptoms to look out for, and when you notice any of them, visit a breast cancer doctor for a checkup.

When cancer is detected early, the [procedure to remove the cancerous cells is easy, and chances of being declared cancer-free after breast cancer treatment are high. But you need to be observant of your breast and look for any of the symptoms.

What is breast cancer?

Cancer develops when there are alterations in genes that control cell development. The alteration leads to mutation which leads to cell dividing and replicating uncontrollably.

Breast cancer is a common type of cancer among women. The cancerous cells in this type of cancer are found in the breast tissues. Breast cancer in most cases development occurs in the lobules or ducts of the breast.

The glands that create milk are known as lobules, and the ducts that transport the milk from the glands to the nipple area are known as ducts. Breast cancer can also develop in the breast fatty tissue.

The cells of unrestrained cancer often infect other healthy breast tissue and can move beneath the arms to the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are the main avenues for cancer cells to travel to other places of their body.

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer

It is not easy to spot or observe breast cancer if it is in its early stages. Although a tumor may be too small to be felt, mammography might nevertheless reveal an anomaly.

The first sign of a tumor is usually a new lump in the breast that wasn’t there before. Not all lumps, however, are cancerous.

There are several symptoms of the breast. Although many of these symptoms are similar, there are some which are unique from one person to another.  Here are some of the breast cancer symptoms which can be an indication your breast have cancerous cells;

Change of skin’s texture

Changes in the skin could be an early symptom of breast cancer. Alterations and inflammation in skin cells caused by breast cancer might result in textural changes.  The skin changes include scaly skin around the areola and nipple and skin thickening in any portion of the breast.

These alterations may also produce itching, which is commonly associated with breast cancer but is not always the case. These skin changes could be a sign of Paget’s disease, a rare form of breast cancer. A variety of benign skin disorders, such as dermatitis and eczema, can cause texture changes.

What are some of the breast cancer symptoms
         What are some of the breast cancer symptoms

Nipple discharge

When you see the flux of a nipple that might be thin or thick, from clear to milky to yellow, green, or red it may be a breast cancer symptom. It is typical for breastfeeding people to have a milky discharge from nipples, but a doctor should be consulted on any other infusion.

While most nipples are noncancerous, in certain persons, it can mean breast cancer. Additional plausible reasons for junk discharge include:

  • Infections of the womb
  • birth control pills adverse effect
  • an adverse effect of some medicines
  • Body physiological variations
  • Some medical disorders like thyroid disease


Dimpling of the skin can indicate inflammatory breast cancer, which is a more aggressive form of breast cancer. In the breast, cancer cells can accumulate lymph fluid, resulting in swelling and dimpling or pitted skin. Anyone who notices skin dimpling should consult a doctor immediately.

Due to  the fact, dimpled skin resembles the surface of an orange, doctors term this alteration in the skin’s look “peau d’orange.”

 Lymph node changes

The underarm lymph nodes may be reached by cancer cells. Lymph nodes are small, rounded immune system tissue collections that filter fluid and trap possibly dangerous cells. Bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells are included.

The first site to depart a cancer cell is below the lymph node on the same side as the damaged breast. The cell leaves the breast. In this location, this may cause edema.

A person can detect them around the collarbone, in addition to swollen lymph nodes in the armpit. They normally feel like little bumps that are solid, bloated, and sensitive to the touch.

Nevertheless, due to breast infections or other fully unconnected conditions, the lymph tissue also may change. A person should discuss these changes with the doctor so that a possible cause can be identified.

Breast or nipple pain

Changes in epidermal cells caused by breast cancer can cause pain, tenderness, and discomfort in the breast. In contrast, breast cancer is frequently painless; any signs or symptoms indicate breast cancer should not be ignored. The pain may be described as a scorching sensation by some persons.

Nipple retraction or inversion

Cell alterations behind the nipple can be caused by breast cancer. The nipple may invert and revert inward into the breast due to these alterations, or it may look different in terms of size.

The look of the nipples might change during ovulation or other phases of the menstrual cycle. However, any new nipple changes should be discussed with a doctor.


Breast cancer can induce changes in the skin, such as discoloration or even bruises. The skin may be red, purple, or bluish.

If a person’s breast alterations aren’t explained by recent trauma to the breast, they should contact their doctor. Even if the origin of the breast discoloration was trauma, it is critical to seek medical advice if the discoloration does not go away.


Breast cancer can cause swelling of the entire breast or a specific part of the breast. Although there may not be a noticeable lump after this enlargement, the breast may be smaller than the other.

But it is also possible for people to have somewhat different-sized breasts at all times; the swelling would produce a difference in the size of their breasts. Due to the swelling, the skin may feel tight.

Final words

When you observe changes in your breasts, you should not worry or be afraid. It is normal for women to see breast changes because there are other factors that can lead to changes. These factors include aging, changes in hormone levels, and other factors.  You should, however, be proactive about your health and see a doctor to find out what’s causing their breast issues.

A breast cancer doctor can assess the symptoms, check the affected breast or breasts, and, when needed, advise further testing. The breast cancer doctor will suggest you undergo mammography, ultrasound, other imaging tests, or blood testing to help rule out infection or other potential causes.

Changes in the skin on and around the breast are indications and symptoms of breast cancer. While various illnesses, such as cysts, infections, eczema, and dermatitis, can cause breast alterations, you should not rule out breast cancer.

Seeing breast cancer in Singapore for an evaluation and diagnosis might help you determine whether any changes in your breasts cause concern.

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Alice Christina, a seasoned health writer, combines her passion for wellness with a strong foundation in evidence-based research. She crafts insightful content that empowers readers to make informed health decisions. Alice's expertise shines through her concise and reliable health articles.