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How Has Online Quran Learning For Kids Become A Convenient Option?

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The holy book of the Quran is the most read book among Muslims. It is the responsibility of every Muslim to read and understand the teachings of the Quran. You need guidance and supervision of professional Islamic scholars for learning the Quran. We can find certified teachers in mosques or madrassahs. However, Muslims do not have access to mosques or madrassahs in every country.

An alternative way of learning the Quran is to find a reliable online Quran teaching academy. It is a convenient opportunity for both students and teachers. Similarly, everyone does not have sufficient time to go for a mosque or madrassah.The reason for which I inclined towards online Quran learning for kids is the flexibility of time and space.

In the USA, schooling is different from Pakistan. My kids spend more than ten hours in school. Sending them to madrassah means jamming their routine activities. The games, exercises, and co-curricular activities are essential for the proper growth and development of students. By keeping all these things in mind, I contacted Ilmul Quran Online Academy.I got a free membership to learn the Quran on a regular basis.

Moreover, the fee was affordable for me. Many websites are providing the same services. I recommend parents to check the credibility and functionality of websites in your country before taking formal online Quran classes. The quality of a website is checked by reading the reviews of previous learners, qualification of teachers, availability teachers, and affordability.

Online Quran learning for kids becomes easy when an experienced Quran tutor teaches them in the right way. I am satisfied to say that I got professional and trained teachers for my kids. They know how to use technology effectivly. They have LSM tools that help a lot for a better understanding of lectures.

I was free to choose any software for taking online Quran classes. I preferred Skype to any other tool because it is easy and simple to use. During one-on-one live sessions, online Quran tutor focused on the weak points of my kids. In this way, they helped my kids to fill in the knowledge gaps quickly.

There is complete freedom of learning the Quran in any language. I could go for English rather I selected Arabic because the Quran was originally revealed in this language. As usual, their teacher recommended Noorani Qaida to become familiar with the Arabic language.

Every alphabet of the Arabic language is unique and has a specific sound. The beginners find it extremely difficult to understand the Arabic language. Hence, the online Quran tutor gave my kids example from daily life routinesto memorize the symbols of letters. He diverted the entire focus on teaching and applying Tajweed rules.

His correct strategies improved theQiraat style of my kids. Besides this, my kids learned about kalmias, daily supplications,aqida, wazu & ghusal method, namaz method, history about the lives of prophets, and many other things. Alhumdulillah, my kids are self-sufficient and confident to recite the Quran eloquently.

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Alfred Williams, a distinguished business writer, navigates the corporate landscape with finesse. His articles offer invaluable insights into the dynamic world of business. Alfred's expertise shines, providing readers with a trustworthy guide through the complexities of modern commerce.