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10 Myths Related to the Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

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When you are extremely worried about old age, memory loss ranks on top of the list for most people and much above money-related worries. But too much worry won’t actually help rather, it will improve the level of stress which is extremely bad for the brain. You need to know about the risk factors related to dementia and know about the ones for which something can actually be done. You can look for home care services immediately and try to deal with the situation in the best possible way. Go through this blog post to know about common myths related to the risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

Myth #1: When you live really old, chances are you will develop Alzheimer’s disease

Fact: There are several cases of dementia these days as people are living longer and the risk generally increases with age. However, dementia cannot be inevitable by anyway as you tend to grow old. According to the experts, half of the respondents believed that people who are in their early 50s and 60s will probably suffer from cognitive and memory loss as they seem to become aged. Yet, only 20% of old adults have to deal with dementia.

Myth #2: If I am having a genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease, this means I will get the disease and I cannot actually do anything for it.

Fact: In some families, you will find greater chances of developing dementia. According to the research, it has been found that people who have a higher genetic risk of Alzheimer’s disease can lessen the risk by following brain-healthy lifestyle choices.

Myth #3: If I have plaque and tangles in the brain, I will soon suffer from the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Fact: Earlier, an autopsy had been the only way to know if an individual was suffering from amyloid plaques and tangles of tau protein that are related to Alzheimer’s disease. The pathologists hardly examined the brain until the deceased person show any symptoms of Alzheimer’s when alive. Nowadays, PET scans and other brain imaging show that some people have those plaques and tangles in their brains but do not show any obvious outward signs of the disease. The human brain can be extremely resilient thus, leading to “backup” connections that work around your affected brain cells.

Myth #4: I require particularly designed “brain games” for the kind of mental exercise that can protect against dementia.

Fact: Since the neurologists have started promoting “your brain: use it or lose it” message, most companies have already rushed for creating computer games, puzzles and other brain-training products. These products are of great help however, they do not offer much benefit than other activities that can challenge your mind. Thus, reading, playing video games, taking an art class, learning a new language, travelling, and working are some ways to help the brains in developing new connections. Experts believe that learning something new can be of great benefit to human minds.

Myth #5: Solitary brain exercise is what I require.

Fact: Challenging our minds through intense mental focus is actually a great idea. But if you can interact with other people, then this will be much more beneficial. According to studies, socialization will offer an important kind of stimulation for the brain. As per the research, it has been found that there will be a lower incidence of dementia among the ones who keep themselves socially engaged. Yes, by staying connected with others, you can take up a lot of effort in social distancing and find alternate options to socialize freely and prevent the “epidemic” of loneliness experts.

Myth #6: It is perfectly okay to miss my exercise routine today, as long as I can get mental exercise.

Fact: People who have higher risk of dementia have done better when their neighborhood offered sidewalks, parks and shops that promote walking. Yes, brain stimulation is extremely important though exercising the muscles equally essential for the health of brain.

Myth #7: Aerobic exercise is the only kind that can be beneficial for the brain.

Fact: When you are having a healthy heart, this will promote a healthy brain and exercise that improves our heart rate by strengthening the heart. In reality, muscle-strengthening activities are equally needed and lifting weights, knee bends, doing squats and working with resistance bands are believed to give memories some kind of boost, sometimes reversing memory loss too. Building muscle will not only make you healthier but also increases several beneficial chemicals in the brain.

Myth #8: Take the necessary supplements to protect your brain health.

Fact: In the words of Alzheimer experts, you should take a diet that has lots of fruits, veggies and grains; fish and poultry; and healthy fats like olive oil. According to the World Health Organization, there aren’t any studies that verify the value of supplement products. You should speak with your doctor when taking a healthy diet for your overall condition.

Myth #9: Drinking alcohol can actually keep my brain protected.

Fact: There are lots of studies that have been associated with moderate drinking like red wine for your brain health. However, experts do not agree with the benefits but they do commonly agree that drinking too much can be extremely harmful for the brain. Heavy drinking will lead to shrinkage of your brain and alcohol disorders are the important preventable risk factors for all kinds of dementia. You need to talk to a doctor about the amount of alcohol which is a safer option for your case.

Myth #10: Alzheimer’s disease is not related to other health problems.

Fact: There are some common conditions and diseases that can harm our brains. Diabetes, high level of cholesterol, depression, stress, high blood pressure, sleep problems, vision loss, hearing loss and gum disease all contribute to the risk of Alzheimer’s. Hence, you need to think about routine regular healthcare as a “two for one.” By managing those conditions, you can actually lessen the risk of memory loss or reduce the progression in case you suffer from some changes. By maintaining routine medical appointments and taking necessary medications as suggested by the doctor, you will be able to improve and preserve your brain health.

When you want to support your loved ones who are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, it is advised to visit home care agency in London and provide them with proper care and treatment. The caretakers will look after the condition of your near ones and help them to overcome the challenges that they face during this condition.

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