Technology and social work in today’s society

Technology and social work in today’s society
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Social work has changed throughout the decades. Technology is one reason why. Technological advancements have changed the way social workers interact with clients and access information. For example, teletherapy and virtual social work services have become increasingly common.

This article discussesthe positive impact that technology has had on social work, how it is being used for good, and the increased opportunities for using technology in social work.

Summary of how technology is being used in social work

The use of technology has provided new opportunities for social workers to reach and serve clients in innovative ways. Social workers are able to work more efficiently and access information and resources easier than they could previously. This is discussed in greater detail later in the article, but here is a short summary of how technology is being used in social work:


Social workers can use teletherapy platforms to provide counselling and therapy to clientsremotely, making it easier for clients to access services,no matter where they live.

Virtual case management

Social workers can use virtual tools to manage client information and collaborate with other service providers. This improves the efficiency of case management and ensures that clients receive the services they need.

Online training and education

Technology makes it easier for social workers to access training and educational resources, including online courses and workshops, which can help them stay up to date with the latest developments in the field. This makes it easier to find roles in sought-after locations. So, if you want to become a social worker in New York, then gaining an online degree from a reputable college or university like Keuka College will improve your chances. You can complete the qualification in under two years without attending regular tutorials in person.

Social media being used for digital outreach

Social workers can use social media and other digital platforms to connect with clients and promote their services, reach new audiences, and raise awareness about social issues.

Technology has expanded the reach and capabilities of social work, allowing social workers to help clients and communities in new and innovative ways.Now let’s take a deeper look at these technologies and their uses.


Teletherapy is a form of therapy that is delivered via video conferencing such as Zoom or Skype, or other remote means. Teletherapy has become increasingly popular in recent years, as a way for social workers to provide mental health services to clients who may not be able to access in-person therapy. Here are some examples of how teletherapy is being used in social work:

Providing therapy to people living in remote or rural areas  

Teletherapy allows social workers to provide therapy services to clients who live in areas that may not have access to in-person therapy services, perhaps because these would not be cost-effective.

Treating clients with disabilities

Teletherapy can make therapy more accessible to anyone with disabilities who may struggle to travel to in-person therapy sessions.

Offering therapy to individuals with transportation difficulties 

Therapy services are made more accessible to thosewithout a vehicle who are living somewhere with limited or no public transport.

Providing support in a crisis 

Teletherapy can be used to provide immediate support to clients who are experiencing a crisis, such as a mental health emergency.

Delivering group therapy sessions  

It can also be used to deliver group therapy sessions, allowing people to participate in therapy from the safety and comfort of their own homes. Doing this in person can be daunting, so this option alleviates some of the anxiety and concerns people have about attending group therapy.

Teletherapy is an important tool for social workers, as it allows them to provide therapy services to everyone, even thosewithout access to in-person therapy. By offering this, social workers can help improve access to mental health services and support individuals in need, ensuring that nobody is excluded from getting the help they require.

Virtual case management

Virtual case management refers to the use of technology to manage client information and coordinate services in a remote or virtual setting. Here are some examples of how virtual case management is being used in social work:

Electronic case management systems

Social workers can use electronic case management systems to store and access client information, such as case notes, demographic information and service plans. These systems can help social workers collaborate with other service providers and track clients’ progress — both of which are important in this field. 

Virtual team meetings

They can use virtual conferencing tools to hold team meetings with other service providers such as therapists, educators and healthcare providers. These meetings can be used to coordinate care and ensure that clients receive the services they need. Often, action needs to be taken quickly, such as in abuse cases, or where someone might harm themselves. So, anything that saves time and speeds up the process of helping your clients is a good thing. 

Online resource databases

Social workers can access online databases of resources, such as housing listings, job openings and healthcare providers, to help clients find the services they need. Social work is complex, and you will sometimes support people at risk of homelessness or help clients become financially stable. Having access to these resources will help.

Mobile apps

Social workers can use mobile apps to access client information and provide services, such as conducting assessments, tracking client progress and communicating with clients. Some of these are as simple as notetaking apps, which can have spell-checking capabilities and can be easily shared, without the need for deciphering handwriting.

Secure messaging

Secure messaging systems allow social workers to communicate with clients and other service providers, ensuring that sensitive information is protected. This could be used to remind clients of appointments, which is useful for those who struggle to keep track of them. It can reduce the number of missed appointments, save money and ensure people attend so that you can help them.

In short, virtual case management helps social workers more effectively serve clients and coordinate care with other service providers. By using technology, social workers can access and share client information more easily and securely, providing more comprehensive, coordinated services.

Online training and education

Online training and education is important for social workers, as it allows them to access resources more easily and stay uptodate with the latest developments in the field. Here are some examples of how online training and education are being used in social work:

Online courses and workshops 

Social workers can access online courses and workshops on a variety of topics, such as trauma-informed care, cultural competence and evidence-based practices. These courses can help social workers expand their knowledge and skills. Like other forms of online learning, they cause minimal disruption to their working day and can be fit in between helping clients.


Social workers can attend webinars on current social work topics, such as new policies, research findings and best practices. These webinars can provide valuable information and insights on important social work issues. Online attendance means they can benefit from events held thousands of miles away without having to take long periods of time off work and pay for fuel and a hotel.

Continuing education

Continuing education is now more convenient than ever for social workers. This can be achieved by participating in online training and education programs, which are required for maintaining their professional license.

Online degree programs

Social workers can pursue advanced degrees — such as master’s degrees in social work — through online programs, which can provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to advance in their careers. They can choose specialisms that may not be available locally due to a lack of demand. Having these courses online allows more students to enroll regardless of location, and ensures there is a larger demand.

Virtual conferences 

Social workers can attend virtual conferences to network with colleagues, learn about the latest research and practices, and hear from experts in the field. They can benefit from greater access to the best experts and learn from them.

All these methods of online training and education provide social workers with more opportunities to expand their knowledge, develop new skills, and stay informed on the latest developments in the field. By using technology, social workers can access training and education resources more easily and at their own pace, which helps them provide better services to their clients and local communities.

Social media and digital outreach

Social media and digital outreach are important tools for social workers, as they allow them to reach and engage with individuals, communities and organizations in new and innovative ways. Here are some examples of how social media and digital outreach are being used to improve social work:

Outreach and engagement

Social workers can use social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, to reach out to individuals, communities and organizations, and engage with them on important social work issues. One example is the use of hashtags. Certain words can be used to help people who are looking for particular services and help. So, when social workers use these platforms to increase awareness of the support available for those with mental illness, hashtags such as #mentalhealthmatters and #mentalhealth might help those who are using these words to search for help.

Crisis response and support

Social media can also be useful in providing crisis response and support to individuals in need, such as those experiencing a mental health crisis. People can feel more comfortable reaching out for help via social media than in person or by phone. 

Raising awareness

Social workers can use social media to raise awareness about important issues, such as poverty, homelessness and mental health, beyond just the local community. They can share information, resources and stories to help educate the public and create change. This encourages the public and businesses to be more inclusive and understanding.

Network building

Social media can also be beneficial for social workers looking to build networks and connect with other social workers, service providers and organizations. Being able to collaborate on projects and initiatives and share best practices can increase the resources available without increasing the overall cost.

Client support

Another use of social media platforms in social care is to support clients in non-emergency situations, providing information and resources, checking in on their progress, and answering questions. This can save time and aid communication between social workers and their clients.

By using this technology, social workers are better equipped to offer improved services, build networks and raise awareness about important social work issues.

The positive impact technology has had on social work

Technology has already had a significant positive impact on the field of social work and continues to do so. It allows social workers to provide better services, reach more individuals, and improve the lives of those they serve. Here are some of the ways that technology has benefited social work so far:

Improved access to information

Technology has made it easier for social workers to access information, such as research findings, best practices and resources. This helps social workers provide more informed and effective services to clients. Previously, information was harder to store and locate, as is discussed later.

Enhanced client engagement

Social workers are better equipped to reach and engage with clients in new and innovative ways, such as through teletherapy, virtual case management and social media. This has made it easier for them to provide support and services to clients who may have difficulty accessing in-person services. Some additional examples include those with extreme anxiety or agoraphobia.

Increased efficiency and productivity

Technology has allowed social workers to automate many tasks, such as client data collection and case management, freeing up more time for direct client services. This has improved the efficiency and productivity of social work practice. It might seem like technology is taking over a lot of tasks in many careers, but in this instance, it allows social workers more time to offer a more personal and caring service to their clients.

Better collaboration and coordination

Technology has made it easier for social workers to collaborate and coordinate with other service providers, such as therapists, educators and healthcare providers. This has led to more comprehensive and integrated services for clients, and a better system of sharing critical information securely.

More opportunities for training and education

Social workers have greater access to online training and educational resources. This is also cost-effective and helps them improve the way they do their job.

The differences between now and then

Before the widespread use of technology in social work, the field relied heavily on in-person interactions and traditional forms of communication and data management. Here are some ways that social work was practiced without the technology of today:

In-person services

Social workers primarily provided services through in-person meetings with clients, such as in their homes, schools, or office settings. While this may have suited people, online communication includes more people, and in-person services still exist for those who need them.

Paper-based records and data management

Social workers relied on paper-based records and forms to collect client information and track their progress. This often involved manual data entry, file storage and retrieval processes. This had its own set of challenges, like being unable to edit files and the cost of sending them to other agencies securely by post and courier services.

The cost of telephone and face-to-face communication

Because social workers relied on phone calls and face-to-face meetings to communicate with clients and other service providers, this all added up and became costly.It often involved traveling to different locations and coordinating schedules to ensure that communication was possible. 

Limited access to information and resources

With limited access to information and resources, such as research findings and best practices, social work was a slower process, because the same level of information available today was not as easily obtain able back then.

Limited opportunities for training and education

Social workers had limited opportunities for training and education, as most workshops and conferences were in-person events and access to online resources was limited. This cut into the funds available and often meant they were unreachable to their clients for the duration of their training.


While these methods were effective in many cases, they were also time-consuming and often limited the scope and reach of social work services. With the advancement of technology, social work has become more efficient, effective and accessible, allowing social workers to provide better services and improve the lives of those they serve.

Times have changed since technology evolved to become what it is today. It stands to reason that social workers have embraced these changes to help people in today’s modern world, by reaching them wherever they happen to be and in the ways that they feel most comfortable.

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Mike Farrier possesses over 18 years of hands-on experience in software and web development, SEO, social media marketing, eCommerce, and digital marketing. He has been active in the online domain since 2019, serving as a seasoned SEO and digital marketing consultant.