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What Do Living Spaces in the Future Look Like to You?

What Do Living Spaces in the Future Look Like to You?
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Everyone has their perception of what future living spaces will look like. Some even go as far as to say that we’ll stop living in houses and start living on Mars with our own colonized city. This article will predict spaces in the future, presented by some of the world’s greatest thinkers.

Smart Apartments

We’re living in a connected age, and technology has fueled this trend in housing, and it will continue to do so. Smart Apartments can be the future of the multifamily experience, and we’re on the brink of seeing it become a reality.

It is undoubtedly true that smart, luxury apartments such as the East Austin Apartments, are a step in the right direction. Building-focused technology extends this trend, making apartments more efficient and saving money.

These new features include everything from sensors that detect leaks to energy efficiency tools and building usage data analytics. While some apartments are still in the prototyping phase, many companies have already begun implementing smart apartment technology.

Smart apartment technology can be a big help for property owners, as residents are often the ones to make the first move.

Affordable housing

There are several challenges to building more affordable housing in the future. Communities often lack the resources to plan around transit, and federal guidance is sparse. Additionally, 2.5 billion people will live in urban areas in the next 30 years, making it challenging to provide enough housing to meet demand.

Recent developments in public funding have created incentives to develop affordable housing near transit, including the inclusion of Tax Increment Financing into tax districts.

Housing Choice Vouchers, for instance, may get preferential treatment in affordable housing near transit centers if these policies are incorporated into local development plans.

Increase of eco-friendly spaces

It is possible to design more environmentally friendly homes, and experts recommend creating a neighborhood where similar homes can share ideas and resources. In addition, a community energy project is an excellent way to save money on utilities and reduce a home’s carbon footprint.

Some cities are pushing local energy schemes that produce their electricity. However, the energy they generate is not usable for home heating. Other cities are already working on wind and hydroelectric power sources and hope to run entire villages using this clean energy.


As work-life balance becomes increasingly complex, co-living may be the answer. It can help bridge the gap between home and work, increase collaboration, and promote social innovation.

Various industry sectors have transformed their workspaces and business structures within the past year, and the precise boundaries between living and working are rapidly disappearing. A co-living space can be a perfect solution to these problems, and it is designed with the community in mind.

These digital tools help co-living facilities improve safety standards by closely monitoring hygiene levels. Moreover, regular in-person meetings among fellow residents are another way to foster community.

Open plan havens

Open plan living has become the norm in many homes since the ’90s. During this time, COVID-19 forced many families to retreat to their homes. The open plan layout allowed for accessible communication among family members, but it also tended to blur lifestyle choices.

It’s also possible to use paint effects to signify different zones. Ultimately, the open plan living space will have to be comfortable and functional for its occupants.

This ethos of minimizing space is a recent buzzword, but it has become more than a design trend. It has become a lifestyle, with many homeowners seeking the mental clarity of a sparse interior. Many minimalists also favor open-plan living spaces, which combine the flow of free space with increased natural light.


The future, to be honest, is uncertain. But the possibilities are endless when it comes to living spaces and those who decide to pay vast sums of money to live in them. The architects, who are primarily from all around the globe, need to develop designs that will attract the attention of future tenants or buyers and will also impact their lifestyles for the years that they will spend inside these buildings.

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Mike Farrier possesses over 18 years of hands-on experience in software and web development, SEO, social media marketing, eCommerce, and digital marketing. He has been active in the online domain since 2019, serving as a seasoned SEO and digital marketing consultant.