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What Is Digital Transformation And Its Types

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The term Digital Transformation means integrating digital technologies to remake a business process to meet changing market requirements. It plays a vital role when it comes to automating workflow and delivering more value to customers. The organizations take on digital transformation due to multiple reasons, but the key reason is to survive in a competitive environment.

Apart from businesses, government organizations, public sector agencies, and the institutions that tackle the societal challenges are also seeking digital transformation experts to streamline the workflow. 

The goal of digital transformation is to meet the current needs of the target market and the key stakeholders. Digital technology has changed everything the way we shop to the way we advertise our products and services. For instance, all the big clothing stores are shifting to online platforms, and people prefer to shop online rather than visiting shopping malls. Besides this, digital marketing strategies have overcome traditional style marketing. People are using email campaigns and social media marketing methods to connect with individual customers.

In this article, we will discuss the three major types of digital transformation and its objectives.

The digital experts focus on and growth of the businesses.

3 Types Of Digital Transformation 

  • Process Transformation 

Process transformation means to change the elements of the business process to meet the new goals. And these new goals are directly related to the new digital transformation implementation.

Typically, organizations engage in process transformation when they are required to make a drastic update in the ongoing process. Process transformation aims to lower the cost, reducing the cycle time, and increasing the quality of products and services.

For example, Domino’s Pizza overtakes Pizza Hut in sales by completely changing the food ordering process. It allows the customer to order pizza from any device, anywhere, and this has increased its sales drastically.

  • Business Model Transformation

BMT determines how organizations create value and make money. And in this competitive era, you have to craft the business model that meets the standard of the digital world. The business environment is continuously changing, and being an entrepreneur, you need to think big and bold in transforming the business model. Digital transformation experts enable business owners to design a business model that opens up new avenues to develop new products, find customers, provide value to customers, and earn more money.

  • Cultural Transformation

A cultural transformation refers to the shift that takes place in the entire organization. It includes changing the heart, mind, and the skills of the employees. The implementation of digital technologies in the company helps to increase the productivity and morale of the employees. Besides, it helps to improve the turnover of the firm. Building digital culture is a daunting task as it requires extra efforts from the management side as well as from the employee side. The high authorities should teach the employees their role in the transformation and guide them on how to drive the change. This will encourage the organization’s workforce to engage with the clients and business partners to form new solutions.

Objectives Of Digital Transformation

  • One of the main goals of digital transformation is to improve the service.
  • It improves the communication flow between the staff members. For example, companies are deploying an intranet for internal collaboration.
  • The digital transformation also increases the agility of the businesses, which eventually results in a rapid decision-making process.
  • Digitization also improves the efficiency of the company, which is very beneficial for the customers.
  • The powerful AI menial skill helps the business owners to save money as well as time.

In Final Words

The digital business transformation allows the core organizations’ functions like finance, HR, marketing, and sales to move away from the manual process. Doing this saves the time of the employees and enables them to build more sustainable relationships with the customers, which will increase the company’s profit.

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Jeff Bailey is a tech enthusiast and gadget guru with a profound understanding of the ever-evolving world of technology. With a keen eye for innovation and a passion for staying ahead of the curve, Jeff brings insightful perspectives on the latest gadgets and tech trends.