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When Does a Non-Custodial Parent have a Possession Order?

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Under any circumstances involving children’s best interest, it becomes essential to plan out visitation orders thoroughly, also referred to as possession order in Texas.  While most custody orders include a standard possession order(SPO) which sets the schedule that each parent is expected to follow.  Terms of the SPO allow the noncustodial parent to have possession of the child a couple of hours every Thursday night; on the third and fifth weekends of each month; on alternating holidays, and at least one month in the summer. Besides that, this order also specifies where the child exchanges will occur, where the child will spend holidays and has rules for parents who live more than 100 miles apart. While if the judge has concerns about the child’s safety, the judge can order that parent’s time with a child be supervised.

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During challenging times of going through divorce or separation, family law attorneys in Dallas can play a crucial role in helping you make decisions regarding asset distribution and child custody. While their assistance is also helpful in divorce proceedings for high net worth families, it has complexities.    

If you disobey child custody agreements, what consequences are you likely to face?

Any kind of violation on either of the parents can lead to a slew of legal ramifications. If this reaches the court, the judge can impose severe penalties such as criminal charges, monetary fines, or permanent loss of custody or visitation.

 In cases where a non-custodial parent was denied time with their child by the contempt parent, the court can rule that they get more make-up time with the child. However, if this occurs repeatedly, the judge will consider amending the custody order to force compliance.    

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Suppose you’ve been contemplating changing the initial custody agreements. However, not sure whether it’s possible to get it modified. As per the law, it is possible to opt for child custody modifications, however, only under certain circumstances. The court will make their decision considering it serves the best interests of the child. In such cases, having the backing of knowledgeable family law attorneys in Dallas can help you navigate. The modification procedure, which requires a tenacious approach to ensure all steps are done correctly. 

Are college fees and other expenses considered in the divorce process?

In a parent’s quest to settle divorcee proceedings as amicably as possible, many factors come into play in deciding their future and their children’s future. As a general rule, most educational expense matters and other child support arrangements are addressed during divorce proceedings. However, when there is no agreement in place, the obligation of divorced parents to pay for their child’s college expenses will depend on the state.

As college expenses are considered a form of child support under law, they are subject to modification and termination. In Dallas, family law attorneys can help you determine the best possible options that suit your children’s educational needs and interests in your respective state.      

Are there rules and regulations for international adoption?

Yes, some rules and regulations need to be complied with while considering international adoptions. The Hague Convention for International Adoptions is the principal statutory body. The adoption can be declared invalid if the parents fail to comply with every global adoption rule and regulation.    

Because of critical and complex issues involved in international adoption, having an experienced adoption attorney in Texas can help you understand certain intricacies of going through the process of international adoption.       


At times, one of the parents may arguably decide that existing child support modification isn’t serving the child’s best interests. In such cases, having the assistance of family law attorneys in Dallas can be imperative considering the legal complexities involved in modifying the order; they can help you gather all relevant documents to defend your position.             

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Alfred Williams, a distinguished business writer, navigates the corporate landscape with finesse. His articles offer invaluable insights into the dynamic world of business. Alfred's expertise shines, providing readers with a trustworthy guide through the complexities of modern commerce.