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How to Writes a Comprehensive Position Paper?

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People have ideas about different topics. People from different fields try to convince others with their ideas. The best way to do this is through a position paper. People use position papers to express their views on a specific topic. These topics are about society or a specific industry. Researchers conduct huge research to write a good position paper. In this paper, the writer chooses a particular side of the topic.

How to Create Critical Points?

A positioning paper may be critical for building their point. Different facts, statistics, and views of the people are used to convince people. A position paper may challenge others’ perspectives. They do a lot of research to convince people about their point. In this article, we are going to share a guide that helps in writing a position paper. Moreover, these steps help in convincing the people about your point.

5 Tips for How to Write Critical Topics

1. Topic Selection:

First, the selection of a topic is important. You have to select a topic and the points that you are going to support. There are many studies available on the topic to support your point. You have facts to support your point. Otherwise, you may not be able to do this. It is better to choose a few topics and select the best one. Moreover, the best is the one that you can justify with facts. If you decide to make a point, don’t compare it with your beliefs. Your ability to make the case strong is important.

  • Most of the time, the topic is not strong, but you have to make it. For this, you don’t need to choose a difficult topic.
  • People think that difficult topics make position papers effective. It’s not like that. Your way of putting your position is important.
  • The topic may be simple, but your position has to be sound. People agree with your claim if you have strong evidence. So select the topic that you can defend with different facts.

2. Conducting Research:

It is essential to research your topic. It helps you in finding whether you can defend your point with facts or not. For example, if you choose a case not backed by studies, how will you defend it? Your point is useless without evidence. Your words are not enough to convince people. People want strong references to be able to agree with you. You can add these references to the research articles. Statistics is an important factor to convince other people. Data from education and government websites also strengthens your point. If you don’t find anything relevant, then don’t waste time on this topic. You have to go for another topic that you can support with references. Research is a crucial and challenging task. But it is also something that increases the worth of your point.

3. Opposite View On The Topic:

Recommended you to best dissertation proposal writing service firm, knowing the opposite views of your topic is essential. It helps you in defending your point. So it’s better to take time for thinking about opposite views. You can also take help from your friends and family. Ask them to raise objections against your point. You may find many opposing views. Write their views and analyse them. You should try to answer these opposite views. Try to find solutions to the points. It is possible when you use strong evidence to claim your point. You can also compare your point with the opposite views. If you think that you’re able to cater for these points, it’s fine. Otherwise, change the topic. Your paper loses its worth if it’s not able to answer the opposite view.

4. Collect Evidence:

Evidence is important for making the point strong. You check proofs from the beginning of the study. But when you defend your point, you try to collect it on a vast level. You may collect data from different websites. You visit libraries to search for important material. You may go to different offices to collect formal data. This official data strengthen your points. You use research articles from authentic journals. It is important to know that data from various sources increase the worth of a study. You may add views of the industry’s experts. Your personal experience is also related to that of the others. Opinions of people may be used to support your own point. You may also add opposite views to present your issue in a better way. Hence, it is important to collect many proofs to make your point ideal for gaining support.

5. Outline The Paper:

It is better to plan before starting a position paper. After collecting proof about the case, you have to create an outline of the paper now. First, you need to present the background of the study. You can highlight the point that you are going to put up. You can build your position statement. This statement shares your position about the topic. After mentioning your position, you share the opposite view of the people. It increases the credibility of your work as well. After that, you can appreciate the opposite point. This appreciation doesn’t mean that you should reject your point. You do this to present your point effectively. You can give your argument by rejecting their statement. So it’s good to appreciate the opposite points too. Now is the right time to showcase the importance of your study.

  • Different pieces of evidence help in claiming that your point is the right one. You can summarise all these points. Remember, and don’t forget to reaffirm your position.
  • The paper must end on your position statement. Your ending remarks are important for clearing your position. Moreover, it shows that you stand with your point about the topic.


People use position papers to convince others. A position paper may be about social or industry-specific issues. Such articles show the position of a researcher. Researchers use different facts to make their points strong. They select the topic and find evidence about the case. They conduct research to see data as much as they can. They also note the opposite view of others. These opposing views help in making the study sound.

Final Words

When they identify those, they can answer the objections of others in a better way. They start collecting extensive data for their support. In the end, they summarise the findings by focusing on their point. Their arguments support their claim as well. The position paper is a good approach to share your views. It is also good for highlighting issues and sharing new ideas.

Read: Characteristics of a Journal Issue – Things You Must Consider

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Tony Lanzap, a distinguished astrologer, possesses a profound understanding of celestial patterns. With years of experience, he has honed his skills in interpreting the cosmos to provide insightful guidance. Tony's unique approach blends traditional wisdom with modern insights, making him a sought-after expert in the realm of astrology. His commitment to helping individuals navigate life's journey has earned him acclaim and trust among those seeking cosmic clarity.