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Writing for personal growth

Writing for personal growth
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Writing is a tool to grow. Writing is not necessarily about becoming a writer. They are two very different things. Nor do you need to be a writer to start writing. Writing does not necessarily have to be linked to the goal of publishing something: this conceptual link is doubly dangerous, because on the one hand it holds back the legitimate ambitions of those who would like to write for themselves, but do not feel as good as established authors. On the other hand, however, it is only the result of an operation that has “industrialized” writing (re) linking it to a concept of productivity with which it has nothing to do. 

Or rather, you can write to try to enter the society of the show. But some, like me, also teach writing to those who want to stay out of it, free to cultivate the pleasure of writing away from showbiz and word coaches.

We do not write just to be published or to be told by someone how good we are: we also write to feel better about ourselves, to rediscover the deeper sides of our being, even if our texts will never be read by anyone. 

Rather, what matters is to identify the path that most of all lead us to that territory where judgment and conventions are, thank God, foreigners: which is then a reunion with us and our true feelings. Some try the practice of autobiographical writing because they feel the need to re-tie the family threads. On the other hand, those who ask me for a course or a personal consultation on the front of therapeutic writing, because they are carrying out a particular personal path and want to entrust the conscious word with the task of favoring and accelerating its success.

Writing for yourself: the relationship between writing and self-knowledge

This is the meaning of writing for personal growth: an activity carried out by pursuing multiple objectives, including that of bringing greater balance into one’s daily lifeputting one’s thoughts in orderfocusing on priorities, and, consequently, finding a more authentic dimension of being there. For us and others.

Today more than ever, in fact, we need the energy of this type to connect with our truest part of ourselves. I’m not saying that there is a direction to move towards: also because, on the contrary, the real path is to rely on the word, which is a means, to return to feeling, which is the ultimate goal of our actions.

In a society that wants us to be more and more reactivemultitasking, and hooked to destructive and fearful thought forms, we need to find the way that leads to the center of ourselves, rediscover the beauty of being in the here and now, which is the meaning. of meditation. The writing, if practiced with some useful devices, can be considered to all effects a ‘ meditative activity, as it promotes the’ loosening of emotional and physical tensions and makes it a more pleasant scent and the path toward the center of gravity

This, however, only if we know how to rely on conscious writing, the meaning of which unfortunately is continually misrepresented. This is not an immediate attitude and certainly requires a lot of practice, patience, and practice. Precisely for this reason, the support of a professional can be useful through specific training courses, such as the courses, which help cultivate writing as a tool for personal growth. And this starts with a question: what is personal growth? Do we know? 

What is personal growth?

Growth is a journey that comes from nowhere and goes nowhere. To travel you have to ring the steps one after the other. Every time you take a step you lose your balance. In the next step, it is found again. There is more strength in retreating than in advancing. There is no judgment in the journey, only acceptance. 

We grow when we accept this condition. We start with ourselves, we abandon ourselves because we know we are no longer enough. We are looking for a place and a way to return to ourselves, to know who we are and what we are. Knowing that we are not the definitions we have given ourselves. Which they gave us. That we are not the roles assigned by the company. That we are not our words, nor those of others. We also grow when we free ourselves from what we know. When we recognize the fact that there are two of us: one side loves the stage and tells itself, the other shuns it and denies what the first-party claims. There is an underlying lie that binds these two parts, the yin and yang of our perception: the day we make the nature of this lie our own, there the truth begins. 

We could define it as a process of maturation, understood as the discovery of one’s own being and one’s potential, which finally leads us to live by following our deepest nature.

All this offers the opportunity to get to know each other better and, consequently, to improve ourselves and relationships with others; at the same time, it is a path that helps to fulfill oneself and to pursue one’s goals

In other words, we could define personal growth not so much as the search for something, but as the moment in which one knows that there is no need to search. A goal that we often consider unattainable and that always seems to get out of hand, when instead it would be enough to stop for a moment and listen to each other to understand that it is much closer than we think. 

Unfortunately, however, this process of discovery is a bit ‘to fist with the life we ​​lead every day. The life we ​​live is a succession of stimuli that make us distract and that divert our attention from ourselves. We just run from one side to the other in an incredible frenzy, not to mention the constant inputs that come from digital tools. Here, then, that getting in touch with oneself becomes extremely complicated – albeit paradoxically more urgent – and it is no wonder that feelings such as frustrationdissatisfaction, and unhappiness are more and more frequent. They are the by-products of research: even looking for the best teacher or the most fashionable ashram will end up producing these logical discards. 

Then we need paths that allow us to find the center again to focus on ourselves and stop looking elsewhere. One of these tools for personal growth is writing.

Why is writing useful for personal growth?

That writing is good for you is nothing new. Writing allows us to explore inner places, getting closer to our deepest part, and it is now established that tools such as the therapeutic letter, the diary of gratitude, or autobiographical writing, for example, have a beneficial effect on our mind. Writing allows us to observe the mind and move it away from negative emotions, worries, traumas. When we start writing it is as if we open a window on our emotions and have the opportunity to observe them, taking note of how we feel and, at the same time, distancing ourselves from these moods.

Conscious writing means using writing to be present to oneself and one’s emotions, to put an order within oneself, and to access that intuitive potential that is in each of us. Potential that, again due to the many distractions, we often fail to hear. Or, again, observe the observer. Learn about inner judgment and its traps. Overcoming all this to arrive at something else, something unspeakable which is the very essence of being aware.

Because writing helps you grow

Writing, therefore, is a means capable of putting us in contact with ourselves. But how, exactly, does it help us in personal growth? Several processes are triggered when we decide to pick up a pen and which contribute to this inner journey. Let’s see some of them:

  1. Clarify. When we write we have to put our thoughts in order: by putting an order, we can have a clearer picture of our emotions and our goals. Reading what we have written after some time is also useful because we can notice details that, at the time, we had not considered and which, instead, are important to better understand ourselves.
  2. Take your destiny in hand. Thanks to conscious writing, we distance ourselves from the emotions we feel in the moment and observe them with greater detachment. In this way, we grasp the reins of our existence and do not let the unconscious guide our choices. 
  3. Designing personal and professional life. Writing, in essence, allows us to take stock of the situation and to define priorities both in the personal and at work. Not to mention that writing your plans for the future means imagining them, and imagining the reality we want is already a way to take a first step in the life we ​​want.

Because writing is comparable to a form of meditation

What does writing have to do with meditation and what does it mean to meditate? Meditating means being in the here and now, paying attention to your thoughts, and listening to your body. Meditation and Mindfulness, which is the condition in which we reach full awareness of ourselves and the present moment, favor contact with our deepest parts, are an excellent antidote against stress, and also stimulate memory, concentration, and thoughts. positive. But this is only the surface of things: I don’t think there are definitive paths. But there are infinite ways of getting together. 

We, therefore, understand that a link between writing and meditation exists and is also quite strong. Conscious Writing is nothing more than a further tool that allows you to focus your attention on the here and now, detaching yourself from thoughts that bring you back to the past and from anxiety for the future. At the same time, it silences for a while that inner voice that constantly tells us who we should be and what we should do, to make room for a more authentic voice.

I’m talking about intuition: a real force that we daily anesthetize with thoughts, purchases, beliefs, and destructive behaviors. All that takes away our energy and distracts us from the task (capital letters required): to notice ourselves and others.

Among other things, writing consciously frees divergent and intuitive thinking, which are closely related to creative thinking, all aspects that hardly find space in the frenzy of everyday life.

So why not approach writing for the simple pleasure of doing it? Why not pick up a pen and paper just to enjoy the benefits that this activity can offer? Creative writing, then that is one of the indirect results of conscious writing, it should never be seen as a dowry in the possession of a few “chosen” or merely as a tool aimed at the publication of novels and poems. Creative writing is a skill that everyone can access, and that everyone can implement in their way. 

Even if we don’t want to become a bestselling author or work in the world of writing as a freelance Copywriter, dedicating a few minutes a day to this activity can be extremely beneficial for our psyche and our personal growth.

Online writing courses and workshops for personal growth

Having the habit of dedicating yourself to writing every day, perhaps writing by hand, can therefore prove incredibly useful. Of course, conscious writing is an approach that does not come automatically, but that requires patience, time, and dedication. Precisely for this reason, at least at the beginning, it can be useful to rely on a professional to guide the person to discover their creative potential.

This is what I do with the writing workshop and with the creative insurance blog writing course, two training courses born after more than 20 years of studying the relationship between creative writing and personal growth

I do not lack experience in this field. In addition to dealing with Copywriting and digital writing, in fact, and training in these areas, for years I have also been studying autobiographical writing and therapeutic writing, of which I am an operator, supporting all those who want to use these tools to achieve a better inner balance. 

These courses are designed for people who want to find a greater connection with themselves and focus more on priorities and goals. They represent an access key that frees creative thinking to destroy habitual thought patterns and find more authentic answers to our needs and questions. In other words, to see reality with new eyes

At the same time, they are also a great tool for all writing professionals, or aspiring ones, who wish to improve at this job, accessing the potential of creative writing to find their style.  

The change we want starts with ourselves. It doesn’t come from outside. It is up to us to decide whether to let ourselves be passively guided by events or whether to take our life in hand and build a different reality. Outside and Inside. Or, more precisely, just outside. Because something has already happened inside.

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Tony Lanzap, a distinguished astrologer, possesses a profound understanding of celestial patterns. With years of experience, he has honed his skills in interpreting the cosmos to provide insightful guidance. Tony's unique approach blends traditional wisdom with modern insights, making him a sought-after expert in the realm of astrology. His commitment to helping individuals navigate life's journey has earned him acclaim and trust among those seeking cosmic clarity.