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The Danger of Zika Virus on Public Health and Its Prevention

Zika Virus And Its Prevention
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Zika is a viral disease that spreads through mosquitos. The Aedes species of insects, particularly, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are responsible for the disease. These mosquitoes are aggressive biters and can attack you anytime during both day and night. For most people, zika symptoms are very mild apart from being not very harmful. However, for pregnant women, it can be dangerous.

Clinical evidence confirms that the disease can lead to serious birth defects like microcephaly or abnormally small heads. Thankfully, according to expert medical practitioners in London, the disease does not normally occur in the UK. However, people travelling to the affected areas should be conscious and careful about it.

Effect on Pregnant Women

Zika virus initially spreads through mosquito biting to a pregnant woman. The infected woman may in turn pass it on to her fetus around the time of birth. According to Private GP in London, an affected person can even spread the disease during physical intimacy with his or her partners.

Common symptoms

Common symptoms of the disease include rashes, itching all over the body, fever, headache and joint pain with possible swelling, mainly in the smaller joints of the hands and feet. In certain cases, patients also complain of muscle pain, conjunctivitis and pain in the lower back region of the body.

Diagnosing Zika

Apart from the common symptoms, experienced physicians usually suspect Zika cases based on a patient’s recent travel history. As the symptoms are more or less the same as other mosquito-related diseases like Dengue, a blood test or a urine test is necessary to confirm it.

Handling Zika cases

There is still no specific medication to cure Zika cases. However, you can do your best by taking plenty of rest and drinking lots of fluids throughout the day to prevent dehydration. Normal acetaminophen pills prove helpful in reducing both fever and pain. It is better not to have aspirin or any other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

If you are taking any prescribed medicine for any other medical condition, you should talk to your doctor before taking any medicines for Zika. Many private GPs in London treat Zika cases successfully. You can seek their help too, if you feel like it.

Preventive measures

As far as the mosquito-related disease of Zika is concerned, prevention is much better than cure. Staying safe from mosquito bites helps to keep the disease at a comfortable distance.

  • Start using mosquito repellants at home.
  • If you are sleeping outside air conditioners or sleeping out in the open, use mosquito nets.
  • Keep yourself covered with as much clothing as possible throughout the day as well as at night.
  • Take measures to control mosquitos both inside your home and in the neighbourhood.
  • Zika also spreads through sexual transmission so, you need to use contraceptives or avoid getting physically intimate with your partner.

People who have travelled back from Zika-infected areas should wait for 28 days before donating blood. Medical Express Clinic has a huge reputation for successfully handling Zika cases in London. The clinic is located at Harley Street in Marylebone and has a unique private GP walk-in service. If you register any symptom of the disease in your system, get expert medical help immediately.

The clinic mentioned here has vast expertise as well as experience in curing Zika patients. The personalized care that the doctors and support staff here provide is helpful for you to win your battle against Zika viruses. Remember, consciousness and care are the two most effective ways to stop the spreading of this nasty disease.

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